Bird / Saxicola macrorhynchus

Stoliczka's Bushchat

Publications that mention Stoliczka's Bushchat in relation to Kutch
  1. Sighting Record of White-Browed Bushchat (Saxicola macrorhynchus) from Amravati District, Maharashtra, IndiaK More, N Abhang, J Wadatkar… - Journal of Wildlife …, 2018 -
Related papers
  1. Avian diversity in the Naliya Grassland, Abdasa Taluka, Kachchh, IndiaSB Munjpara, IR Gadhvi - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2012 -
  2. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra in Sri Lanka in February 2015: First record for the island and the Indian SubcontinentK Steiof, C De Silva, J Jayarathna, W Madlow, M Pohl… - Indian BIRDS, 2017 -
  3. Planning agriculture based on landuse responses of threatened semiarid grassland species in IndiaS Dutta, Y Jhala - Biological conservation, 2014 - Elsevier
  4. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND BIODIVERSITY OF THAR DESERT IN RAJASTHAN: A REVIEWK Dev, V Dhenwal, P Singh - Environmental Crisis And Conservation -
  5. A Catalogue of the Birds of Sind: Cutch, Káthiáwár, North Gujarát, and Mount Aboo, Including Every Species Known to Occur in that Tract of Country to which …EA Butler - 1879 -
  6. The reptiles of Anatolia: a checklist and zoogeographical analysisR Sindaco, A Venchi, GM Carpaneto… - … –The Journal of …, 2000 -
  7. A Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and BangladeshB Grewal, G Bhatia - 2017 -
  8. Checklist of Indian Mammals, revised and updated, 2008PO Nameer - ZOO'S PRINT, 2008 -
  9. Report of the Workshop Conservation Assessment and Management Plan for Mammals of India”(BCPP-Endangered Species Project), Zoo Outreach …S Molur, PO Nameer, S Walker - 1998 -
  10. Checklist of mammals of South AsiaPO Nameer - Mammals of South Asia, 2015 -
  11. Endemic birds of IndiaJM Dasgupta, SB Roy, BK Datta - 2002 -

Thanks to SerpApi for their contribution in gathering this data.

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